* Educational
B.S. Mechanical Engineering
B.A. Fine Art
Rice University, 1994
* Areas of Mac Expertise
System 5,6 (ahhh, memories) - OS X
First level Claris &
Apple software support
First level & developer support,
FileMaker Pro, versions 1.x - 4.x
Adobe documentation
Applescript & FileMaker Pro Script
small scale web-enabled apps or web servers
All-around Mac
* Other areas of experience
UNIX sys-admin including maintenance-oriented shell
scripting, troubleshooting, large-scale, Unix based version
control software systems. Certified MS OS desktop tech (no
wait, don't print that), various CAD/CAE/CAM software
* Current interests
(subject to vast mood swings of grandiosity)
Juan's turn-ons include most all things Mac, brisk walks in
the park with his lovely wife Gretchen, Lucite in all it's
forms, F1, WRC, & FIM Racing, not to mention sunshine,
lollipops & rainbows everywhere.
Turn-offs include evil empires of all sorts.